Just a guess.
It might be the delay in creating and opening the connection.
Why don't you log the current time just before calling the SP and after it
and find the time difference. That can narrow down on what the issue is.
-Omnibuzz (The SQL GC)
"Boaz Ben-Porat" wrote:
> Computer: 3.4 Ghz CPU, 1 GB RAM, 2003 Server
> database : MS SqlServer 2000 Enterprise. ~ 10 GB database file. Largest
> table in the database contains 11,000,000 records.
> Framework: .NET 2.0
> I try to run a query against the database, selecting aggregated data from
> views based on the large table.
> When executed from the Query Analizer, it takes 13 seconds.
> When executed from a .NET application, it takes 140 seconds.
> The database is well tuned (or else the query analizer would go slowly), s
> I can't find the reason for this difference.
> Any suggestion ?
> Boaz Ben-Porat
> Milestone Systems
>Thanks for a quick answer.
The time I refer to is after the connection is opened.
the relevant code:
DbDataReader dr = null;
// This method opens a connection, if not allready opened
// dbCommand is an input parameter of type DbCommand. It contains the SQL
dbCommand.Connection = _connection;
DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
dr = dbCommand.ExecuteReader();
DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan ts = t2 - t1;
int milli = (int)ts.TotalMilliseconds; // milli contains the execution time
of dbCommand.ExecuteReader();
Boaz Ben-Porat
"Omnibuzz" <Omnibuzz@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Just a guess.
> It might be the delay in creating and opening the connection.
> Why don't you log the current time just before calling the SP and after it
> and find the time difference. That can narrow down on what the issue is.
> --
> -Omnibuzz (The SQL GC)
> http://omnibuzz-sql.blogspot.com/
> "Boaz Ben-Porat" wrote:
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