Saturday, February 25, 2012

A quick counting question

Once more I searched around but couldn't get a good handle on it.

The problem is this:

1) I send a notifier out to X no. of people
2) Y no. of people click on the notifier
3) I need to be able to get the percentage of Y/X

table structure tblNotifier:


I can do it with 2 queries, but I'd love to do it with 1

Select count(*) from tblNotifier;
Select count(*) from tblNotifier where return_status=1;

and then do the math in ASP, but... really, that's just not a whole lot of fun.

Robhow about : --

select sum (convert(numeric,Return_Status))/convert(numeric,count(recipient)) *100 from tblNotifier|||Originally posted by Enigma
how about : --

select sum (convert(numeric,Return_Status))/convert(numeric,count(recipient)) *100 from tblNotifier

'k How much does an explanation of why that works cost?

Thanks, Rob|||select
sum (convert(numeric,Return_Status)) -- Take the return status (1 for those who have replied , 0 for not replied) and sum it up
/ -- division
convert(numeric,count(recipient)) -- no of rows

*100 -- for percentage purposes

from tblNotifier -- Your table

;)|||I'm just an ass evidently.. 20 seconds of thought and I see why that works. All apologies

And thank you very much for pointing out my intellectual shortcomings :)

Rob|||Again ..
In case Return_Status is int ... you can simply say ...

select sum (Return_Status)/convert(numeric,count(recipient)) *100 from tblNotifier

though i assume it should be of type bit|||I'm just straight summing it becuase it is of type int. I was worried that they would add some random criteria for return_status, and have 3 or 4 different status options. So this way, it's not a big pain to add another table and reference it in.

But it works great, so thanks a bunch.


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