Thursday, March 22, 2012

A way to control the # of Transport connections

Is there a configuration parameter that allows me to control the number of Transport connections used by service broker? Right now it seems that it just uses one.

There is no such configuration parameter. The only reason to use more than one TCP connection would be if there were multiple NICs having routes to the destination. But since Service Broker does not really bottleneck on the NIC, there was no reaon to add support for multiple TCP connections. However, we may add this support for other reasons.



Ok so what should I do if it feels like I am being constrained at around 100 - 150 messages per second through this transport piece? I have done a couple of tests and at one point it seemed if I enqueued more than 100 messages/sec then they would back up into the sys.transmission_queue on the source side. I realize that is by design, but I have been led to believe that I should get something closer to 1,000 messages/sec of throughput between the 2 instances?

Any thoughts?


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